Counter-Expo, Counter-Israel, Support Palestinian Prisoners!
April 23, 2015
8:30 PM
Occupied Marzolo, Via Marzolo 4, Padova, Italy
Facebook Event:
Discussion and meeting with:
YOUNIS KUTAIBA, comrade of FRONTE PALESTINA, who will present the No Expo/No Israel campaign
REPRESENTATIVE OF SAMIDOUN (via Skype), on the attacks against Rasmea Odeh and Khaida Jarrar, and the situation of Palestinian prisoners
Expo 2015 is a festival of hypocrisy and lies, that showcases major exploitwers who starve the planet and peoples of the world. This includes the Israeli state, whose pavilion is located in a prominent position alongside that of Italy, the host country, in a testament to the “deep bond” between the two states. The theme of Israel’s presentation at the Expo, “the fields of tomorrow,” aims to present Israel as an agricultural model when it is in fact based on the theft of land and water, surrounding occupied lands with walls and imprisoning people in an open-air prison while carrying out a project of ethnic cleansing. The Palestinian people have endured this situation, despite massacres and harsh conditions, for over 66 years, and their heroic resistance is a beacon now for all those who oppose imperialism. We must struggle against those who exploit us and stand with the Palestinian prisoners; historically, prisoners are the seed of every revolution and liberation struggle.
April 25, 1945-April 25, 2015 – with the partisans of yesterday, with struggle today!